Functions and Understanding of the horn

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Horn is attached to the gear motor vehicles in general. Motor Vehicles and Drivers, horns categorized as supporting components that are part of the construction of motor vehicles, such as mirrors, bumpers, windshield wiper (wiper), seat belts, or speed measuring device for a vehicle that has the ability to speed 40km / h or more on flat road.
Horn is a tool for communication between the driver's vehicle to one another. Horn is used when the driver wants to "talk" or give isarat to other drivers for the safety and security of both parties, for example, when going ahead, ask for road space, and so on.
Because of its usefulness to communicate between the driver, the horn should only be used when there is communication purposes. Honking for no apparent reason, is like a crazy person talking to himself.
Horn can be used when:

     Needed for traffic safety
     Passing another vehicle in front.

Prohibition of use of the horn, namely;

     In place - a certain place expressed by signs - signs;
     If the sound is a sound cue that does not comply with the technical requirements and roadworthy motor vehicles.

Horn should be a noise that can be heard in a state at a distance of 60 meters.
This discussion is not clear. Size "in normal circumstances can be heard at a distance of 60 meters" is very relative. For example, a distance of 60 meters in cities with distinctly different villages. Because of the relative limits, no vehicle horn sound like moaning, and some are too loud sounds such as whistles Stroom ship.
Available in each vehicle horn has actually been designed by the manufacturer to make it appropriate and in accordance with the type of vehicle. However, it is not uncommon to make modifications or menggati rider vehicle horn to sound louder.
Like the person who speaks, the use of the horn also has its own ethics which indicates the level of courtesy of a rider in communicating with other riders. Therefore, the tone of the horn must be adapted to the conditions of the message delivered. If only to precede, or ask for road space, sound the horn enough in two or three times with a short tone. Horn with long tones are repeated - again will sound like a nag or yell. But, if you want to give a warning against anything that may cause harm, the tone of the horn can be adjusted.
Use of this horn is highly dependent on private motorists to choose and use appropriate and inappropriate horn. Clearly, if the vehicle is too loud horn, and the horn is not limited to the rider uses to communicate between vehicles but for each "snapped" in the path, then the subsequent impact of the noise is happening at the expense of their own and other road users.
Normal humans are able to hear the sound frequency 20 - 20.000Hz (unit of sound based on the calculation of the number of cycles per second sound source) with the intensity or degree of hardness below 80 decibels. The sound on it if continuous and enforced can damage hearing because it can turn off the function of cells - hair cells in the auditory system.
Early symptoms are often not felt, except ear buzzing, later followed by a decrease in hearing ability. Audible noise heard on the street every day by the bus driver can be bad for the driver's own hearing.
There is research that states, hearing decline in the elderly was much depends on noise pollution or noise is heard throughout his life. That is, if too often listen to the sound - and loud noise, the physiology of muscle tissue in the human body will be more easily distracted.
In addition, the noise caused excessive horn users also result in psychological pressure or stress for those who hear it, so berpengarush on the level of concentration and emotion of the rider. Concentration and emotions clearly impaired motorists of potential traffic accidents.
Therefore, no benefit from the use of excessive honking. On the contrary, the use of the horn is not in place, would be detrimental to the community itself. In countries - developed countries which cultures pass the traffic is already high, motorists never use the horn at random. Diguanakan new horn if true - really is in need, it was the short-tone over and over. Traffic ethics very guarded. The drivers are very respectful of each other so that the driving on the highway feels comfortable.

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