Harley Davidson Types

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Harley Davidson is indeed one of the many motors that can be said to be a special motorbike. This is due to various things that exist on this one motorbike. so that the price of the motorbike is very expensive. Because indeed the parts and maintenance of this motorbike are also very expensive, and different from the existing motorcycles in general. Well before you propose to Harley Davidson to be your ride, then you should first know the types. And also must know in advance the various types of Harley Davidson motorcycles. Because this motorbike has various types. Harley Davisdon of 7 models or types, namely: Touring, Cruiser, Buell, Softail, Dyna, Sportster and Vrod. Each model is different, and is distinguished by engine, frame, characteristics, and suspension, and others. So, instead of being curious, let's see now, the details of the Davisdon Harley types are as follows:

The first type of Harley Davidson is Touring, which sometimes Harley Davidson is very often called "Baggers", this Harley Touring moge is actually deliberately created and designed, for long trips. If you are planning to take this one model, for you to use when traveling far, then this type of Davisdon Harley, which is very suitable, if you compare it to the Harley Davisdon Cruiser model. When choosing a motor for touring, what you have to know is the weight, this is something that you must and need to consider. Harley touring models will make you feel comfortable, while driving even though you use it for a very long time, on the motorcycle seat. Touring motors can weigh around 400 kg, if everything is fully installed. So this bike is really recommended for those of you who like touring! But you also have to prepare a lot of money because the price of this bike is very expensive.

Well, the next is the Harley Davisdon type Cruiser, this Cruiser is almost the same as the Harley Davidson type touring, but this Cruiser can still be grouped into Softails HD type. Despite the weight or weight of the Harley Cruiser, it is not as heavy as the Harley Davidson Touring type, but for you motorists who are beginners Harley Davidson Cruiser is not recommended because it will endanger you, not only that Harley Davidson is known to be very heavy.

If the following is a Harley Davidson type Softails. This Harley Davidson Softails has a pretty unique shape, and the main thing is in the body part, because the shape of this Harley Davidson Softails type, looks very stiff, like a type of mountain bike. Not only that, the Harley Softails also have a shockbreaker that is hidden in the back, it aims to provide a sense of comfort for the Harley Davidson type Softails driver. This one model is also very suitable for everyday riders, as well as for Harley fans. This type of Softails harley motorbike has a lighter weight if you compare it to Harley Davidson touring types and Harley Davidson cruisers.

The next is the Dyna Harley Davidson. This Dyna Harley Davidson is also known as "rubber mount", referred to as that, because the Dyna type has 2 shockbreaker pieces, which are on the back. Not only that, there is also a very significant difference with the other types that the HD Dyna has a rubber on the engine, the rubber serves to reduce the vibration that is on the engine. This Harley Dyna is also very suitable for use as a motorbike in daily activities in big cities.

If it follows, it turns out that Harley Davidson has also developed a sport-type motorbike, which has long been known, namely the Sportster or 'XL' type. This Harley Sportster motorbike does have a machine and also a skeletal design that is somewhat slimmer. Not only that, this type of motor is also a type of Harley Davidson motorbike that is very light, when compared to all types or types of Harley Motors. This Harley Sportsters is also the only Harley type motorbike that also offers two engine variants. The variants of the engine are 883 and also 1200. This motorbike is really cool, it's worth the exorbitant price!

Next is the Harley Davidson Model or the newest type, the newest type is the v-rod Harley Davidson. Harley Davidson V-rod is indeed very different, if you compare it with other types or models. Because this type or type combines two concepts. The concept is power and style, which is taken from motor sport. And on the engine parts of this type of Harley Davidson V-Rod, also uses water cooled.

And the magic one is the Buell type Harley Davidson. Harley Davidson Buell is one type or type that is not exactly like a Harley, surely you wonder why it's not exactly the same? Because this sport motorbike made by an American motor factory, deliberately created like a Sport motorbike, which also carries and uses the Harley Davidson brand. Not only that, this Buell Harley Davidson motorbike is also very stubborn and is well suited for your daily activities, or is used to explore the winding terrain and winding. So for those of you who like to tackle places with tortuous road conditions, this Buell Harley Davidson motorbike is perfect for you to use.

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