Cara Membuat Ground Strap (Lilitan Kawat Email) di Kabel Busi

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ground strap on my motorcycle
Ground strap functions as wild frequencies catcher due to high voltage through the spark plug wires. In addition, the electric current can flow more smoothly and make spark plugs fire focused and blue. As a result, acceleration is more pronounced because the motor can be better though ignition engine temperature to rise slightly. The positive effect is also more efficient fuel consumption.
results spark plugs at night

How to make it easier. That need to be prepared is a tool to open up the motor coil (10 key or screwdriver +), email wire, black insulation, and a little patience.
Step - step it:
1 Buy wire email
Here's an example of the email wire commonly used to roll spool.
wire email
2 Connect one end of the coil mass his
End nearest to remove his email and on the bolt in coil mass.
is the mass of the coil
3 Wrap the wire
Wrap tightly and as strong as possible (not too strong, tear even wrapped his spark plug wires). If it takes a little patience wrapping.
more meetings capture the leakage current
4 The end result
When finished wrapping up before the cop plugs, coil packs using black insulation to be strong. Checks whether sparks bigger and stronger or not. Compare with before giving ground strap (email loops) in the spark plug wires.

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