Counting Formula Motorcycles

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What are these formulas? Here's the explanation:
1 Calculate engine power
Unlike the previous post, the following formula is a simplification of the previous formula. The formula is:

HP = work / time
HP = (m / t) * 1.241

HP = Horse power
m = total mass of the vehicle, the unit kg
t = the time required to accelerate 0-100kpj, units of seconds
1.241 = constant
Why the formula is so simple? Actually that is complicated is determining the constants 1.241, due to a decrease of the conversion formulas and units, also assumed the vehicle had little rolling resistance.

2 speed 150 km / h, how much energy it took?
Achievement of successful change in the measured engine speed is increased. If we want our vehicle reaches a certain speed would have to be supported by the addition of engine power, but how the benchmark change in engine power is sufficient to achieve a speed that we want?
The procedure, calculate the maximum power our vehicles (can be a way to use the formula above), and then calculate the maximum speed that can be achieved of our vehicles. Next enter into the following formula:
HP2 = HP1 * (V2 / V1) ^ 3
HP2 = Horsepower required, the unit dk
HP1 = horsepower standard, the units dk
V2 = the desired maximum speed, the unit km / h
V1 = maximum speed standard, the units km / h
3 Calculate the maximum speed for each gear
The following formula is useful so that the engine is not forced to over-rev the engine condition is not "forced" being held in a certain gear when the speed was not able to ride again.
The formula is:
V = (60 * n * D * rpm) / (1000 * i)
V = maximum velocity calculated on the teeth, the unit km / h
n = number of cylinders
rpm = engine speed at maximum torque, the information contained in the brochure
D = overall diameter tires, the unit cm
i = gear ratio (the ratio of primary, secondary ratio, the ratio of each tooth)

4 Checking the accuracy of the speedometer
It is common knowledge if the motor is original speedometer recalibration experience and exceeded a few percent, solely for the rider's own security. But if you are curious about the real speed of your car, can be calculated using the following formula
V = S / t * 3.6
V = velocity, the units of km / h
S = distance traveled, units meters
t = time, units of seconds
Test procedures, run the vehicle with the speed as constant as possible at a certain speed, for example 40km / h. At a certain distance, calculate the time required for the distance menempun, for example, to reach a distance of 50 m takes 5 seconds. Calculate using the formula above, then compute large deviation with the one shown on the speedometer
Deviation = (V2 / V1) * 100%
V2 = real speed measured using the formula
V1 = speed shown on the speedometer
5. What is the braking distance of my vehicle?
Calculate or predict the braking distance at a certain speed, it can prevent you from inconsiderate and avoid fatal accidents. How to calculate the braking distance can be simulated using the following formula:
JP = (V2 / V1) ^ 2 * S
JP = braking distance, units meters
V2 = Velocity want to know the braking distance, the units of km / h
V1 = low speed during the test, the unit km / h
S = braking distance during the test, the units meters
braking distance is not only directly proportional to the speed but quadratic, In a 2-fold speed it takes 4 times the braking distance.

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