Shock absorber consists of a tube containing oil. Inside the tube there is a valve that serves to regulate the flow of oil. Slowing the swing motion occurs because the motorcycle shock absorber oil flow tube obstructed by the valve. This is because the narrow valve hole. If the amount of oil in the tube shock absorber is less then the work could not dampen the shock.
To determine whether the shock absorber works well or not is not a difficult thing. Usually shock absorber motorcycle shock has broken into not comfortable driving. Damage is generally caused by the shock absorber oil leakage. This can be seen on the tube shock absorber. If the tube shock absorber is always wet by seepage of oil then it is considered a leaking shock absorber, shock absorber must be repaired by replacing the axles and add oil on the shock tube shock absorber.
The characteristics of the shock absorber is broken:
1 If during a motorcycle ride and sometimes motorcycle swerved to one side for no apparent reason then it is likely one of the faulty shock absorber. Check the state of the shock absorber. If there is seepage of oil in the tube then it means that the shock absorber is leaking so the pressure is not the same.
2 If during a motorcycle driven acceleration feels uncomfortable but normal tire pressure, no hard terlau, may be caused by the shock absorber. For examination of the shock absorber, the motorcycle press down and then release the pressure suddenly. If the motorcycle body parts quickly bouncy and swinging it is likely that the shock absorber is not working.