How to Clean crust in the Piston and Block Machine

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Performance of motor gasoline has dropped and become wasteful is a sign of gross combustion chamber. This is because the dirty air entering the combustion chamber or sediment unburned gasoline. In addition, the crust on the piston and the block may interfere with the process of compression and combustion engines. As a result, the piston can be perforated due to the excessive compression.
How to cope with it can clean it manually or use a liquid crustal thresher machine. Here's how to clean the machine crust in the piston and block it manually:

1 Prepare the tool to be used.
If the tool is used less complete and less good will disrupt the process of dismantling the machine. Should understand the tools that will be used and how to unlock (bolt nut) on the machine.

2 Remove the engine oil and open the cover / body, footstep, and exhaust.
For this step you can do it.
3 Remove the carburetor from the holder.
You can also clean the inside of his carburetor in order not to commute to work.
4 Open the lid magnet and position TOP.
Unscrew the magnet can be tricked by clipping coins using pliers and twist the lid. TOP position of the magnet.

5. Loosen the cam tensioner.
Ways to relax can use small min oben rotated until it locks.
6 Go four blocks in front of the locking bolt.
Alternate way to open it so that the bolt should not slek. If fasteners camrat chain tensioner wear models, and also open them in turn.
7 Open the camshaft gear bolt axles.
Opens her by holding a magnet and a rotary bolt gear Noken anticlockwise.
8, Draw the block header and his block.
Pull out one by one starting from the block header, gaskets, and its blocks. To remove its piston, use pliers to remove the locking pins and pull the piston pen slowly.
9 Clean the piston and block until the crust is lost.
To make it easier, rub gasoline on the crust so that crust is not hard. Brush with a wire brush.

10 Replace the piston, block, gaskets, and block header.
Do not forget the position of the compression ring on the piston compression should form a triangle that does not leak.
11. Install camrat chain gear to the TOP position.
Do not forget the position of the first magnet new top gear in his Noken.
12. Assemble back carburetor, exhaust, Footstep, and body.
Having assembled all, reset air mixture in the carburetor and did the final inspection.

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