How to Find the Top Speed ​​Through Formulas

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Usually when the problem started counting the lazy ya read. Calm, matter of this lesson is very closely related to the hobby that we live in the automotive world today because we can direct the application.
As we know pengerak energy transfer in a machine / vehicle at the start of the movement of a piston, , handlebars pistons, , Big end, , Kruk as, , primary teeth, , secondary teeth, , Clutch, , Main axle, , Pinion gear, , Wheel gear, , Drive Axle, , First Gear, , Chain, , rear gear, , the rear wheel. Consider the example image below.
The formula for speed reduction and used to find the top speed mathematical calculations.
Formula to find the total reduction ratio of each gear:
1. reduction formula (i)
2 The formula to calculate the speed

Once we get her formula and then we try the application on a common or standard bike just as an example at the beginning of the data has been fully get that we can correct together if there are incorrect data.
Examples of top speed for each gear / gear on Yamaha Vixion.
Known Specifications Yamaha Vixion gears:

     Primary teeth = 73/24 = 3.0146
     Secondary Teeth = 42/14 = 3
     1st = 34/12 = 2.833
     2nd = 30/16 = 1.875
     3rd = 30/21 = 1,428
     4th = 24/21 = 1,142
     5th = 22/23 = 0.956
     Effective wheel diameter = 60 cm = 0.6 m
     Max engine rpm = 10,000 rpm

What is the speed of the motor on each tooth?
Which at first was looking for (i) = the total reduction ratio of each tooth. Once found then proceed searching speed. So and so on the next steps for each calculation teeth.
1st gear:
Then the maximum speed of gear 1 is = 43.72 km / h Gears 2:
The maximum speed gear 2 is = 66.07 km / h
Gears 3:
3 is the maximum speed gear = 86.72 km / h
4th gear:
The maximum speed in 4th gear is = 108.4 km / h gear 5:
The maximum speed in 5th gear is = 129.51 km / h
The results of the above is merely a matter. These results can dikomparasikan actual results in the speedometer or GPS. Usually it is slightly different results compared. This distinction can be caused by air friction, tire friction, wind, load, reduction gearbox speedo, aerodynamics, etc..
Of course the result would be different if your bike has been modified and lighter. Moreover, a change has been the reduction gear and RPM limit.

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