How to Save lining Clutch

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Do you know the age of canvas clutch (clutch disc) with normal use can reach 4 years? What about the age of your vehicle coupling ..? How long do you use your coupling?
Let's count together in a year of normal use vehicles to a distance of 10.000km. means in 40.000km then we replace the coupling.

But it turns out there are at the age of 30.000km already replaced coupling .. why? The answer is not solely due to the quality of goods. but rather at fault for driving.
Here's a small mistake that cut the life of the coupling for 1 year.
Do not press the clutch pedal half as large canvass load received, thus eroding surface coupling, and lead to premature wear. Examples of common errors is to use a half-clutch when stopped at a red light in an uphill .. you should use the hand brake and neutralize gearbox / transmission.
Perform transmission shift smooth as possible, for example when moving the teeth up (from 1st gear to 2nd gear and so on.) Or when the lower teeth (from 5th gear to 4th gear ff.)
Use according to the transmission speed of the vehicle service manual listed in the book. Do not use a high gear at low speeds. Example of what often happens is the driver to use 3rd gear at a speed of just 30km / h

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