Jupiter Z1 Technology

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Yamaha launches new product variants duck, family still jupiter, namely Jupiter Z1. Many changes in Jupiter Z1. ranging from the engine, cooling system, and enhanced combustion system.

1.Perubahan machine.
Here Z1 jupiter engine has a change in the sector head, crankshaft, cylinder liners and transmission system. Yamaha Jupiter Z1 claimed increase in power up to 20 percent. Now its power reaches 10.06 PS at 7,750 rpm and a torque of 9.9 Nm at 6500 rpm. Indeed there are many changes that can not be separated, such as combustion chamber design and application of a new crankshaft and its fuel injection. The following updates:
The use of roller rocker arm. Trigger valve can be sure this model will be minimal friction because of the parts in contact with the camshaft or camshaft is equipped with roller axles.

Changes in camshaft design. New look so fat but not too high, but it is also equipped with a cam bearing on the two sides.
New camshaft duration mated with a new valve that is now bigger. So 26 mm diameter umbrella for in and 21 on the valve ex. Same size as the valve and Soul Mio GT at once larger than Jupiter valve is only 23 mm long and 20 mm in ex.
Jupiter Z1 cylinder head design looks new. Width of the box without a lot of the lattice. There are two goals that made ​​this design facilitates the process of assembling the first. Stay loose bolts, then all the components in the oil cylinder immediately apparent.
Crankcase hand addressed by applying Crank Technology Crank.YZ YZ system is applied to the crankshaft stroke is 57.9 mm and the fixed piston diameter 50.0 mm, meaning that the engine is still over-stroke character. But by resetting the balance on the pendulum crutch, so changing his swing. This is very helpful rhythm combustion cycle, which in turn makes the engine work lighter.
Piston and Cylinder. These two components are also new! Now use forged piston type. The strength of this type of piston is not in doubt, because it is a solid metal structure. To be more minimal friction, new piston Jupiter Z1 is equipped with piston rings are very thin.
Interestingly, when usually Yamaha forged pistons mated with Diasil cylinder, not this time. Ordinary cylinder. Because consumers in this segment are generally hooked ngoprek machine. If you want to bore up so much easier. so according to my friend, this decline or progress?
Transmission system which was also addressed. Both primary and secondary reduction re-formulated. But most significant is the change in gears 3 and 4 were made ​​wider ratio suitable for lap top.
2 Changes in System Cooling
According to me, all in the motor system would be nice if the cooling system is also great. So Jupiter Z1 is also experiencing a change in the cooling system mesinnya.mari take a look below.
Looks like the image above that the cooling system adapted to the system aerodinamic. That is correct cooling system - completely customizable with the wind direction, so that the maximum cooling systems.
Wing shape that has two layers directs the wind on the machine better. In addition to the cylinder head is directed to the cooler, the wind also easily reach the throttle body area, and magnetic clutch and transmission at the rear. Cover the cylinder head and deep box width is also more easily exposed to the wind.
Application spiny cylinder sleeve is also good enough to remove the heat. Outer cylinder block has a surface like durian skin is able to release heat more quickly and evenly.
3 Combustion System Change
According to my observations, this year is a transition year in particular combustion system supplying fuel to the combustion chamber, which is between the system carburetor or injection to fogging system. Yamaha party also said that if confirmed it will be commonplace in the next year. Let's see how the system components and injection Yamaha Jupiter Z1.
Problem use any brand of its injection device, Yamaha is not tied to any one brand. If the Mio, Soul GT and V-Ixion uses Mikuni brand, this time in Jupiter Z1 uses Keihin output.
Injection injection principle is to be able to read, process and correct. So if there are no sensors on Jupiter Z1 is equipped with IAPS (Intake Air Pressure Sensor) and IATS (Intake Air Temperature Sensor). to read the conditions of the machine and the environment before the machine work. If the process is doing is Injector, after the burning corrected by airborne sensors installed near the exhaust bolts. How rich the air anyway? The position sensor is also easier for us to exhaust knockdown.
What is interesting in Jupiter Z1 throttle body is the air flow channel of its water filter. Made down draft, go straight down to the throttle body. Yamaha mechanic said, with a decrease in the air this construction also aided by gravity so that the air velocity is higher. As for the fuel pump-type brush but it still has a fairly high pressure. Which reached 295 kPa.
For its ignition, now has a magnet with a 140 watt output that has 17 pick-up rotor. Obviously polynomial for pick up rotor also serves as a guide workings Crankshaft Position Sensor

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