Leak Check Valve with Spray Wind

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Valve in the engine serves to incorporate a mixture of fuel and air, and to remove combustion gases. So the condition should be really tight. With the condition of the valve which allows meeting the fuel and air mixture is compressed in the combustion chamber does not leak. Power machines so large.
Over time and period of usage, the condition of the valve will wear out. Previous meeting that will slowly leak as well. When the valve is worn out, then we should do or skur skir valve or even do the replacement.

The problem, we are difficult to determine the condition of the valve after skir we do, whether it is meeting or there is still room. Thereby allowing leakage will occur later when we put right. To find leaks that occur at the valve we can use gasoline that is placed in the combustion chamber.
The way we have done valve skir mounted on the cylinder head. Furthermore, we are turning the cylinder head and liquid we pour gasoline in the combustion chamber.
After the gas filling the combustion chamber, then use the wind pressure from the compressor to check the density of the valve. The way from the spray hole suction or exhaust port.
There are two possibilities. If the gap between the valve from the valve sitting there with bubbles after we spray with compressed air compressor, it stands to reason that we are doing less skir meeting.
There were bubbles coming out of the valve gap, then we do not skir meeting. So we have to re skir, but if there are no bubbles coming out, then the valve has been meeting with the holder.

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