Make Indoglow Simple Speedometer

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Of display stickers, color, ornament, to not escape this speedometer. Product variations have been widely circulated in the community. However, due to limited funds, we are required to create their own with sufficient funds.

An example is the motor of my own that I costum his speedometer background lights. Simple look with accents of blue, green, and red (can be seen in the picture above). Those advantages are low cost and simple. The drawback is if you want to look more attractive, it takes more creativity.
Materials needed include LED lights (color free), resistors, and wires. Merangkainya way too easy, just connect in series (if you follow mine). Then in the negative LED legs given resistor. Furthermore, just connect the negative to the positive mass and brown wires to the contacts (on the motor Jupiter). Tidy up the whole series to be safe from short circuit and is a regular workmanship.

     LED 1 = red
     2 = green LED
     LED 3 = color blue
     R = 300 Ω; 1 watt

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