There have been large, and the New Mio Mio CDI exchange. Consequently CDI burn and smoke came out. Why, although the same socket but different cable positions.
Which must be known, the same socket but different cable positions. It also occurs in Yamaha Vega ZR and New Jupiter-Z.
Most easily, consider the CDI socket (see picture). In Jupiter-Z and Mio long, terminal number 1 to the orange wires filled coil. If the New Mio and New Jupiter-Z filled red wire to the pulser.
If the origin of the plug, the cable from the pulser coil and so confused. This causes a burning CDI and die.
More fatal stun who swapped cables. In the old Mio, foot terminal number 4 in the contents cable 12 volt stun. But in the new Mio, leg number 4 body mass. If the new Mio CDI installed in the old Mio, is that promote smoky. Because between positive and negative stun met.
In order to outsmart each other in order to exchange, can actually be reached by way of modification. The position of the legs at the CDI socket to be reset. Please and can be tailored to the needs.
For example, the old Mio CDI will use the New Mio It could be the origin would reset the cord. Adjusted with such sockets New Mio It lived mechanical yangmenyesuaikan. Let no one, see picture.
Coil participate Dead
Mio CDI incidence exchange of old and new can indeed be fatal. Not only CDI that will burn. The possibility also charred body cable. Worse yet is also so weak coil. The shape and size of the socket the same between the old and the New Mio Mio
Make a small ignition coil is weak. Flame sparks come so small. Not hold a large compression in the combustion chamber. Although there is a fire seen, certainly the machine will still not want to flame.
Once the replacement coil, the engine immediately and normal life. This is a valuable experience that can be shared to all the loyal readers.
If you experience the same thing, game changing coils. Because even if the full tank and no flame from the coil, the engine still will not turn on. Why yes it was, a small coil flame.
Reminded not to dismantle the others and a waste of time. Weak coil will certainly greatly affect the ability of the engine to life.