Some camrat Motorcycle Chain Substitution

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Exchange of motorcycle parts can often be the reason more durable than the original part. Although sometimes is rather expensive. Instead cheaper, shorter age. This is the same as the cam chain cam chain alias. This chain can be exchanged between the motor brands, from both dimensions. One of these old comrades Honda Mega Pro / GL-Pro Neotech with the Suzuki Thunder 125.
Both are the same length (100 eyes). Mega-Pro owners who wear many camrat Thunder. Thunder belongs more muscular and more expensive. Instead Thunder owners who want to use sparingly Megapro cam.
Same with the cam Supra X 125 / Charisma with Shogun 125 / Spin can exchange. Again, both are the same length (92 eyes). Some say Shogun has more okay, now who would wear a Supra economical.
One again, the old Vega kamprat / Crypton with Supra X / Grand may mutually cannibals. Supra X code 25H-84, was Vega 25-84. 84 The length of both eyes, the difference between the letter 'H' (hard) which means there is no more powerful than 'H'her. Observed from outside kamrat Supra was a thick plate.

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