Life H4 CB150R bulb |
Nowadays more and more motors that use H4 type bulb for the main light. This type of bulb is more familiar in the car first. Some of them were wearing the H4 bulb there CB150R StreetFire Honda, the CBR250R, CBR150R, Kawasaki Ninja 150RR, RR Ninja Mono, Pulsar 200ns to Estrella. Have an original CB150R Life brand, type H4 60/55 W.
However, the use of the H4 bulb apparently no complaints, not about price but about the light beam. Bulb for CB150R is mahal.Untuk users CBR250R CB150R or if you want a more affordable could find had 150RR, the same type H4 60/55 Watt.
H4 bulb in car |
Want to find more affordable car only had a H4 bulb. And if you want more affordable many options really. Can wear motorcycle belonging to another or looking to have a car. Equally H4 type exactly the same shape, which is essential looking for the same power congenital motor 60/55 Watt.
H4 bulb shape of the foot |
Fellow H4 exact same form, including the legs, plug and play installation. If you want more affordable in the store looking for car spare parts, typically use Philips or Osram Premium Bilux but remain bright, if you want a more steady Osram Night Breaker, but should the price is rather expensive.