Tips After Replace Wet accumulator, accumulator to Dry

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Some people complain after a few months to replace the bike with a dry battery (battery before using wet), they found dry battery suddenly exhausted. Used to power the starter motor is not strong.
After investigation and find references here and there the matter was finally answered. It turns out that the charging system on wet and dry battery battery is different. Problems arise because both produce voltage 12 volts, but the battery charging current is less dry than wet batteries. Well if forced to use a large current, then the battery dry over time will be broken. Usually people will add resistance / barrier, but this will result in the current will rise.
The way to overcome these problems we can add aligning circuit voltage (fedtru). That is by installing the regulator transistors and ICs. Type 2N3055 transistor is used while the IC regulators using PNP type (positive negative positive) type 7815 (as shown in the above series).
If you do not want to bother, you could be using the original default Kuprok motorcycle that uses dry battery. For example Suzuki Smash dry battery can be installed using SHOGUN 125 that belonged kuprok use dry battery, let the same to replace the socket and gentlemen belonging to Shogun 125.

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