Accumulator electric charge runs out too Fast

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Accumulator cepet once the motor runs too fast and it was not until about a year die? The cause could be from a variety of things such as the following:

     Charging system is not normal
     The cells of the battery is bad
     For a wet battery, the battery is bad water
     Excessive use of electric current
     There is leakage of electrical current / short circuit

Here is how the check;
1 System charging is not normal
Usually this can be checked by checking the voltage into the battery using a voltmeter alias avometer, by way of a cable plug the red cable to the positive AVO or pole (+) battery positive and negative cables to the cable AVO aka green or ground pole (-) negative Aki , normally on the condition of the engine off the voltage at least 12 volts, then when the motor turns on and the gas drawn on avometer will move up to 13 volts and a maximum 15volt more. if at the time the motor in the gas does not rise or alias instead fell just above 15volt, then there is damage to the charging system, so it should be checked further.
2 cells Aki already ugly
To detect the battery wet cell batteries typically looks ugly many of sewage sludge in the battery cells within the battery itself, while For dry battery can not be known because the tightly wrapped and enclosed in a battery. damage usually occurs when the battery cell; battery is not in use for too long and the battery or old age.
Battery cell is damaged
irregularly shaped
3 Air Aki already ugly
To check the measurement tool must use this name Hydrometer, this is a tool that is used to measure the density of battery water, for a normal battery gravity of battery acid should reach 1.27 - 1,29kg / cm3. under it if it must be replaced or re cas battery water.
tool Hydrometer
4 The use of excessive flow
It is only known by the user, usually a large component of the current suck on horn and lights.
Accessories lights and horn
current is the cause of rapid battery drop
5. electrical current leakage
Electrical current leakage can be analyzed by using ammeters or AVO meters, within the conditions the way the check engine off disconnect the negative cable from the battery. Connect the needle (+) cable to the ammeter needle mass and (-) ammeter to terminal (-) battery.
While the ignition is in the off position, then read on screen avometer, the maximum allowable leakage is 0,1mA, if it exceeds then there may be a short-circuit or no current exit quietly so that the electric current juncture death continues kesedot, this usually happens when you use a light variation, variation or horn could also alarm, the solution is yes off course tuh accessories that make Aki overdrawn.

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