Cannibal lining Clutch & Chain

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Coupling and chain, are both a media transfer engine power to the wheels. If the coupling from the inside, while the outside of the chain. Along with the rapid development of the two wheels in the country, sometimes provoke lust to experiment with the cannibals belonged to another bike with the goal of improving performance and pursue a more friendly price in the bag but the quality is maintained for this device.
1 coupling
Take from that have more CC Large
Method of coupling cannibals until now applied only based on the principle of 'no harm origin'. Her main consideration cuman limited dimensions, as long as the fit may be applied. More and more consumers are not aware of the benefits of coupling cannibals.

Principle cannibals are correct coupling, coupling pinch-owned motor that has an engine capacity greater value. Therefore, the value of the pad friction clutch on the motor which has a larger engine capacity, has been calculated with a load of engine rotation.
So when, applied to the motor that has a smaller cc ​​certainly more responsive. Compensation, the coefficient of friction is still owned by a standard coupling will turn out to be stronger friction arms.
By doing so, so comfort is sacrificed and prefer the performance of the engine. Therefore, the more responsive acceleration changes, the effect of reduced clutch slippage problem. The following data types are the same coupling with a motor that will apply it.

Tiger -> Revo, Mega Pro, Series GL, GL-Max Neotech, GL-Pro Neo Tech, Grand, Supra-X, Supra-X 125, Charisma, MX-135 LC, Touch, CBR-150
RX-Z -> RZ-R, RX-King, Yamaha L2 Super
Jupiter: Jupiter-Z, Crypton, Vega, F1Z-R
New Jupiter-Z -> Vega ZR
RGR-150 -> Satria-R 120, TS-125, Thuder 125, Shogun 125, Satria-F, Axelo
Blade -> Absolute Revo
KLX 150 -> D-Tracker 150
Note 2 It Or Not And Typical 4 Engine
And corresponding facts on the ground, in addition advised to apply the motor coupling which has a larger engine capacity, a factor type 2 stroke or 4 stroke also affected.
Coupling 2-stroke, better friction. Therefore, the pad material adapted to the work cycle 2 was shorter than the 4 stroke. So, here are justified and have a positive impact when coupling F1Z-R cannibalized for Jupiter-Z and Vega or coupling owned Tiger Grand wear.
What about sports variant 2 was equally in cc 135 cc, the RZ-R, RX and RX-Z-King. Then consideration can be taken based on a typical engine, if the RX-Z and RZ-R square (56 mm x 54 mm) and the RX-King over square (58 mm x 50 mm). So the RX-Z and RZ-R wears coupling RX-King became more resistant friction making it more responsive power.
Meanwhile, for the Kawasaki motor output, overall different in each variant. Especially the duck variant, the ZX-130, Blitz, Kaze and Athlete, everything has a different coupling.
With the exception of the D-Tracker and KLX-150 is distinguished front of the rear wheel size alone, but the machine including the same coupling. And for the Ninja 150 series have in common, since the first product in '03 until now.
The latest motorcycle products, began in earnest device diaphragm coupling with mechanical system. Amount to be more minimal coupling. For a while, no one has played kanibalan, because the outside diameter is smaller.
Opportunities to improve the performance of this type of coupling, is still limited to installing double spring sun, to reinforce cuddles coupling and clutch plate.
Attention Profile, Size & Type Suspension
Its function in the motor is vital, as the transfer medium rev the engine through the front gear and rear gear. Each bear mechanical tensile load chain, generated by the weight of the motor, the rider, which in sponger and load carried.
Thus the chain by a distinguished manufacturer, based on the engine capacity. In a sense, the greater the capacity of the engine is to apply, then the greater the chain profiles were applied.
It was also based on the efficiency of the layout of the engine components in the engine room. Therefore, when the chain only lasted profile size 420, could conceivably see how primary and secondary gear ratio or ratio gear ratio. More surely and certainly eating places.
To date, the type of chain on the market there are profiles 420, 428, 428H, 428 SH, 520, 520 V. If the profile figures show the dimensions and size of the chain, meaning that a small profile figures show a small chain and vice versa.
The meaning of the size of the chain profiles can be described thus. Suppose profile 520, 5 means that the distance between the chain pin and 20 means the distance in the side chain. And always affect the profile chain plate thickness, following its details;
determining deviations
And for the indication and determine deviations experienced by chains, can be distinguished using the method that is likely to wear out the critical points. In the chain there are 3 parts, if distinguished:
A: The diameter of the roller bushing
B: The distance between the edge of the roller bushing
C: The distance between the sides of the plate
Corresponding measurement results manually use calipers, each generated chain detail size profiles when a new condition;

A: 78 mm
B: 4.8 mm
C: 6.2 mm
A: 85 mm
B: 4.2 mm
C: 7.8 mm
A: 10 mm
B: 5.8 mm
C: 7 mm
How Chain said Precision With Gir?
  Regardless of other problems, then the chain will be considered to be an aberration, when the detail size exceeds the measurement results. But it is also back again to the issue of harmonization of conditions of the gear as well. Where, construction precision chain pull gear.
Thus, it is necessary to play the ideal voltage range chain. So that, when the suspension began to swing the chain is not too tight and when accelerated circular chain remains on the field with flexible gear.
Chain and the ideal voltage range must be distinguished by the main chain suspension, conventional double shock or mono shock?. Be sure, each set tone chain wear on the motor bike monoshock more slack than conventional models wearing ass. For that, get used to each set voltage directly test chain with the condition of the luggage rack of a stop condition.
The Meaning Behind Chain Code
There is another more interesting, which dissect the meaning behind the numbers chain profile, wide H, SH and V. If H thick plate material, SH Super High plate is thicker and more viscous material, if V distinctively equipped seals and strength equal to the chain type of H.
Profile Chain Not Comparable With Engine Capacity
In the era of rapid development of these two wheels, there are actually several types of motorcycle chains and profiles are not matching and less consumptive. That is, the strength of the chain is not proportional to the capacity of the engine is applying. In this context, any authorized service station mechanic advised to wear chains that are stronger and bigger profile. To facilitate the type of profile that the chain will be applied, it is worth reviewing the basis of the profile of each bike chain, well, duck, duck male and sport.
From this data, it can be concluded or at least determine the alternative of using a stronger chain. Especially the duck, which has a tendency to wear a large engine capacity smaller chain profile.
For the male duck, the proposed strategic chain Satria-F. And Sport who remain in the profile chain, certainly more sip when applying the chain Scorpio. Medium chain user profile 520, the average strength balanced. Therefore, when the chain profiles combined engine capacity balance.
Rules regarding the length of the chain, also must be distinguished between motor that uses conventional quasi double and monoshock. Therefore, the motor is always longer chain monoshock, monoshock to offset travel. Thus, when the motor is forbidden monoshock, apply the chain motor that uses a conventional shock.

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