Type, Code, and Problem About Busi

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Assigned to assist the process of combustion, ignition timing according to the data generated from the rotation of the rotor magnet pulser delivered and processed by the CDI, as well as generated by the coil and forwarded to the spark plugs. Fire and temperature plugs should be able to prevent premature combustion and high temperature plugs are also required, to prevent sediment crust. And to serve the needs of the engine and driving comfort, some manufacturers launching some type of spark plugs, as the rapid development of engine technology. And how do we know the durability of the spark plug, spark capabilities, as well as catch up with our driving style and needs? And what kind of spark plugs are suitable to be consumed for our motors? For that first identify the type of spark plugs, the results of investigations of mechanical and tuner, the following:
Standard plug Innate motor each launched from the manufacturer. Material ends of the nickel electrode and center electrode diameter of 2.5 mm on average. Distance can use standard plugs to 20 thousand km, when the normal combustion conditions and other factors not influenced by kinds of engine oil and fuel consumption of excessive effect of increased spec carburetor
Platinum spark plugs
Preferred the buff bikers touring, because of his ability. The tip of the electrode is made of nickel and platinum center electrode, so that the influence of heat to the metal platinum is smaller. Center electrode diameter of 0.6 mm - 0.8 mm and do not be surprised, when the life of spark plugs age range from 30 thousand miles.
Iridium spark plugs
It could be said spring competition, crowded in-tuner applications for non-standard engines. Typically the tip of the electrode is made of nickel and iridium alloy center electrode of platinum opaque color. Center electrode diameter of 0.6 mm - 0.8 mm mm. And the age of the spark plug is about 50 thousand to 70 thousand miles. The advantage, suitable for long-lived large engines above 150 cc bike.
Racing Spark Plugs
Spark plugs were designed and prepared with materials resistant to high compression, and high engine temperature as well. And be prepared to be able to compensate for the use of full throttle and deceleration.
Racing spark plugs are not the same as Iridium spark plugs. Center electrode diameter is relatively small tapered needle sorts. Age plugs are also relatively short at 20 thousand - 30 thousand km, was dominant when the engine rotates at high rpm above 6000 rpm at high engine temperatures.
Busi Resistor
Ini dia busi yang sering mengecoh konsumen, logo R latin dengan font miring banyak yang mengira artinya racing. Dan sebenarnya R itu artinya resistor. Busi ini dipakai untuk melindungi perangkat elektronik digital, berupa speedometer, indikator pada kendaraan yang memakainya, terhadap pengaruh gelombang radio dan sejenis nya. Maka, busi ber-kode R pada busi mesti diingat, sebagai perlindungan perangkat elektronik digital motor.
Commercially available are also two kinds of plugs that heat and cold. A lot of confusing information usability issues both these types of plugs. The following explanations characterize and when to use these plugs.
Area of ​​residence
Special cold temperature regions, such as mountainous areas and highland, most fit to wear hot plugs. Therefore, use cold plugs will accelerate the buildup of crust. Medium, heat a wide area or metropolitan waterfront, better wear a cold spark plugs. To prevent the occurrence of pre-ignition or premature combustion.
The capacity of the engine and the compression ratio
High compression ratio and a large capacity engine, both generate heat. The logic is simple, the greater the value of the capacity of the engine, the heat contained also higher.
Here plugs also determines the quality of combustion, with limits above 150 cc, you should use cold type spark plugs. And remember, daily motor manufacturer adheres designed a low compression ratio, the relatively low temperature to heat. And machine capacity factor which should be used as guidelines.
Thus, the use of plugs that fit the engine could, based on the factors;
- A mixture of fuel and air
- Comparison of the compression
- Ignition Timing
- Octane Fuel
- Use of standard or racing style
- The temperature of the area around
In addition to errors caused by the use of the type of spark plugs, there is another common problem. What are the problem?
Excessive crust at the end of the spark plug
- Part ignition broken, between CDI, coil and spark plugs cop
- Too old to drive a motorcycle at low RPM
- Code spark plug too cold
- Fuel and air mixture is too fat
excessive heat
- Code spark plug is too hot
- Settings air / fuel too dry
- Crust buildup in the combustion chamber began much
- Too often full throtle
See the color of the spark plug electrode
Often experienced by all motorists, sometimes slit center electrode spark plugs to change, tend to move closer or sometimes stretchable. In keeping with tradition, the center electrode spark gap is sometimes addressed by the motorist. What is its effect on the engine when it is too tenuous and meetings?
Gap meeting
Ignition will weaken or small and do not fit with the burning, the downside. But the advantage, always spark plugs fire in any increase in engine rpm with a tight curve.
Gap tenuous
The disadvantage, ignition at high rpm and speed will be chaotic, but the ignition stronger and more complete combustion that occurs at low and medium rpm
W24ES-U (Denso)
W: spark plug thread diameter (W-14 mm)
24: The level of a hot plug, if the value the greater meaning of type cooler
E: threaded length 19 mm
S: S-type plugs use standard
U: Configuring the spark plug gap
C: Diameter of screw plugs (B: 14 mm, C: 1 0mm, D: 12mm)
Q: Type design plugs (only the manufacturer knows this code)
R: Spark plug with resistor in it (for machines with digital technology will use this type of spark plugs to avoid frequencies that can interfere with the reading of a digital sensor)
"7": The level of a hot spark plug. Then add small numbers 6, 5, 4 called hot plugs and vice versa bigger 8, 9 claimed as a cold spark plug
H: Length of threaded plugs, there are three types of code letters used. If H = 12.7 mm, E = 19 mm and L = 11.2 mm
S: Type middle electrode. Another code, there IX iridium material means and G indicate the type of racing spark plugs. If P and S platinum standard.
"9": Cracks core electrode spark plugs, spark plug gap means the number 9 and if 10 0,9mm spark plug gap 1 mm
C: Copper Core Center Electrode
D: 2 ground electrode
P: Platinum Electrodes
R: Burn off Resistors
S: Silver electrode
Q: 3 Ground Electrode
V: 1.3 mm Wide Gap
W: 0.9 mm Wide Gap
X: Wide Gap 1.1 mm
Y: 1.5 mm Wide Gap
Z: Wide Gap 2.0 mm
The top of the spark plug that is connected to the ignition system
Insulator (wrapping center electrode)
The main part of the insulators made ​​of porcelain or ceramic, to provide mechanical mounting of the center electrode, so that the high-voltage electricity can be insulated. Ceramic heat also helps burn crust deposits.
Ribs (ceramic top that wraps the terminal associated with the cop plugs)
By lengthening the surface between the high voltage terminal and the grounded metal case of the spark plug, the physical shape of the rib provide functionality to improve the electrical insulation and prevent electrical energy leakage along the surface of the insulator of terminal metal case.
insulator tip
The end insulator that goes into the engine combustion chamber, supposedly able to withstand high temperatures and maintain the electrical insulation. To prevent overheating electrodes, then this section should have good thermal conductivity.
Prevent leaks from the engine combustion chamber
metal case
Binding and channel the heat from the insulator to the cylinder cop, also serves as a ground for the spark through the center electrode to the side electrode.
Center electrode
Connected to the terminal via a cable initernal and ceramic resistance to reduce emission of radio interference resulting from the ignition. Its tip can be made ​​of a combination of copper, chromium or nickel-iron metal of high value. And side electrode or grounding electrode made ​​of nickel steel and at the soldered side Meral case.
TDR 485 B USD. 25 thousand
Bosch X5DC Rp. 15 thousand
FKY IR-C7 HM Rp. 28 thousand
NGK D8EVX Rp. 25 thousand
Liben C7 EX Rp. 25 thousand
Autolite 4163 USD. 15 thousand
Denso Iridium 1 X 24 USD. 95 thousand
Nology AOS Rp. 185 thousand

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