Cannibals Nokens As Car

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Noken car can be modified and the application to the motorcycle. You do this by cutting into a car Noken changes we want. The following data Noken commonly used by tuner:
1 Noken Genio, waist width 31mm and height of 35mm.

     Can be used for Mio, Jupiter, Shogun 110, Smash
     1 stalk Noken can be used as 4 parts (duck)

2 Noken Estilo, waist width 31mm and height 36mm.

     Can be used for Mio, Jupiter, Shogun 110, Smash
     1 stalk Noken can be used as 4 parts (duck)

3 Noken Maestro, waist width 32mm and height of 38mm.

     Can be used for Mio, Jupiter, Shogun 110, Smash
     1 stalk Noken can be used as 4 parts (duck)
     1 stalk Noken can be used as 3 parts (sports)

4. Nokens as Opel Gemini, waist width 25.5mm and 31.5mm high.

     Can be used for Mio, Jupiter, Vega, Crypton
     1 stalk Noken can be used as 4 parts (duck)

How do I make it? Easy anyway. From construction lonjoran Noken cars, first cut by two parts, into 3 to 4 pieces. It depends on the purpose. For a sport bike, it takes a longer field.
After the first process, camshaft as in the center to determine the distance Noken In-Ex, the manufacture of bearings, gear driven camshaft holder and determine the total length Noken, to fit the camshaft as planned.
Her finishing process is to determine the value of the LSA (degrees camshaft position as In-Ex), based on the LSA camshaft to be made. In this section LSA angle determination is based solely on the surface of the camshaft lobe or area as the highest (lift), without reducing the dimensions of the car as camshaft profile in the application. By doing so, the range of the resulting design more like to play Noken duration, increase / decrease LSA Noken, as well as wide / narrow overlap.

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