CDI RX-King at Honda Supra X 100

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CDI King
For CDI RX-King has the same input output with CDI Honda Supra X or the like. But for cable has a different meaning for each color wires. Do not get the wrong plug! If one so directly shorting. If only the dead CDI does nothing. But if the entire electrical, ranging spool, kiprok, coil. and battery, yes a serious problem. Especially vulnerable due to burning cord shorted.
For performance results do not really know because they have not tried. But this can be as an emergency backup if the original CDI error and no part of his replacement.
The following cable lines on CDI RX-King for Honda Supra X 100cc.

     coil: supra-black-yellow orange king
     mass: green supra black king
     Key contacts: black supra king black / red
     Input spool: black supra-red black / white
     pulser: blue supra-king yellow white / green

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