Characteristic Components Ignition Dead

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weak spark
Ignition system is responsible for providing a flash of fire to burn the gas that has been compressed. Condition, the ignition timing must be precise and robust power apiharus. Long known platinum ignition type (conventional) and which has modern electronic (CDI).

Next we peeled special ignition CDI, both unidirectional current source (... battery / DC) or alternating (AC / spool).

Components ranging from the spool or battery, CDI, COIL, pulser and plugs. If there is damage to use special tools to detect, for example, use a multitester, spark plug or ignition tester tester. Unfortunately not all repair shops have this tool, especially individuals who hobbyist who tinkers at home. Well, this little share how to know the characteristics of the damage.


Functions to double coil low voltage from the battery or the spool into a thousand kilo volts, contains the primary and secondary coils. "According to the manual instructions coil damage is detected through the magnitude of resistance coils. When deviating from the specification means broken "

So, what characteristic obliged to replace the coil already.? "Sign one of them when a faulty coil heat engine or after walking several kilometers a fire suddenly disappeared" when the coil direct fire problem very rarely lost, most of the spark plug still sparks, but a small jump and a nice red and white that bluish. Nah wonder if the engine is hard to live.


There are two characteristics when the capacitor discharge ignition (CDI) shall replace the "lost spark at the spark plug at all and is not smooth at high speed".

When you overwrite the first case, the engine can be switched ngak, no electronic devices in CDI who die / end, can the capacitor or pulser. When measured with a multitester, which mrnuju coil voltage cables disappear altogether.

Unlike when the engine turns over diputaran faltered, according to the engine tuner. "Coil is a high voltage issue but was unable to serve the high-frequency" flames leap so disjointed, so torsion-derived gas engine back to normal.


Aka spool coil ignition provides a source of alternating voltage (AC), this component is specific to the AC CDI ignition. Functions the same as the battery voltage Only the difference (DC). Spool can not be broken or burned to produce stun "so when this component troble total dead engine" sign on fire spool physically appear scorched.

Unlike the CDI DC voltage source that battery, if the battery is damaged machine can still be turned on "the origin of the charging system still works, because the supply of engines replaced by kiprok", need to watch out if the battery is not replaced immediately dangerous to CDI. Because the output kiprok not pure direct current. When detected by the oscilloscope still seen a wave of the AC voltage.


Symptoms are similar to CDI pulser problem. "If it is not severe engine is still burning but not smooth". The emergence could in the run-down also in the upper rpm.

When in the pulser coil is broken then do not stress out at all, so the power that should have been sent to the SCR in the CDI disconnected, stun the capacitor is not channeled into the coil so that the machine broke down.


Spark plugs that close to death while at the starter appears characteristic bursts in the exhaust, the engine is also difficult to turn on, but when the spark plug insulator is broken then the engine died completely. Although the coil produces the high voltage will be hampered. As a result, the electrode spark plugs no spark

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