Ignition system is one of the things that must be considered in terms of engine tuning. Most people think when they are finished modifying, all you need is the ignition timing advance or rewind. That's not enough. One, sparks should light strong enough to burn the air / fuel. Perhaps most say, yes I definitely was !! But did you know that the air molecules are insulators? And when you modify the engine, ported changed, modified camshafts, larger carburetor installed, scored more air into the cylinder, the spark of a standard coil will never quite turn the mixture of air / fuel in solid space compression.
Fact, the lack of spark ignition quality of a negative effect on the engine as the ignition timing is not quite right. In addition, a wet mixture (11 air: 1 fuel), is more conductive to the ignition.
Once the mixture of air / fuel is ignited, propagate flame speed in the combustion chamber dome becomes important if you want to release the maximum power on the machine. If the flame travels too fast, there will be a heavy burden to hold the piston, crankshaft and bearings handlebars; otherwise, if the flame propagates slowly, not enough to produce the explosion produced a large power to the wheels.
Three important things that affect the velocity of a fire in a burning mixture of air / fuel and explosive strength in the combustion chamber:
Abbreviated as CDI, ignition device this is the most heralded. Though its function is simple, put a spark plug in the combustion chamber explosive at the right time as the movement of the piston. Timing (tempo) ignition, the curve, degrees, is common languages to discuss CDI.
Capacitor discharge ignition systems store energy in the capacitor is much more than in the coil. CDI is still in need of the coil, but the coil was limited to be used for the transformation of voltage pulses to increase rapidly. Therefore modern as yours BRT CDI does not require racing coil, coil enough innate manufacturer has been able to give a significant effect. Similarly, replacement of CDI on modern motorcycles will be felt, rather than just to replace the COIL.
In a CDI system, the main power circuit is a miniature oscillator capacitor fills up to 600 volts and awaiting pick up contacts and pulser trigger system. This is called Magnetic trigering System. When a signal is triggered, the capacitor will deliver energy to the primary coil on the coil. Coil acts as a pulse of change and elevate the voltage of the capacitor up to 40,000 volts needed to create a spark jumps so far is less than 1mm in the combustion chamber is compressed.
Advantages and Disadvantages
CDI has many major advantages in the rapidly enlarging generate voltage. In fact, this speed only takes 0.002 seconds to meet the voltage across the capacitor. Theoretically, the CDI must be in good condition to provide continuous quality sparks up more than 10,000 times per minute. But, CDI presenting only sparks in a short time and strength dependent triggering sparks.
Important aspect is the selection of a spark plug heat ranges, describes the ability to remove heat from the center of the spark plug electrodes. Spark plug with a spark plug electrode is shorter cold, because heat only have a short distance to remove heat from the engine to the air.
What makes the Heat Range is important is reliability and durability of the spark plug. Spark plug that is too hot will easily fracture (cracking) due to overheating, and will be the boiling point in the combustion chamber as the source of detonation (knocking). But, the heat is still needed by the spark plug to prevent it from piling charcoal that will make life short plugs. Cold spark plugs will be full of carbon deposits when installed on a standard machine, and would be ineffective and short-lived.
Be aware that, driving in different conditions, with different temperatures will require different plugs. For racing engines, the use of extreme, then the best plugs ever to be stuck in your machine.
Once set up, check the condition of the spark plugs and spark plug reading code. Inspection if there are deposits of black plugs are wet, then the spark plug is too cold. However, black can also indicate the set up carburetor that is too wet. And if it's oily sludge, no oil leaks into the combustion chamber should be wary. If the center electrode is too white, then the spark plug is too hot. It could also promote ignition too far. Or the size of the main jet in the carburetor does not fit. If the spark plug has been settled grayish or brownish settings then that's the best we can get.
Of course, the spark plug is too hot, should we change the spark plug code 1 point increase, and vice versa. Whenever you replace the spark plugs with a different heat code, do some preliminary testing so that you obtain the proper spark plug numbers.
Ignition Motor
Posted by CB Blogger
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