Ignition angle and angle Dwell

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Within one working cycle the motor is no such thing as ignition angle and dwell angle. What does it mean to ignition angle and dwell angle is and what the difference is between the ignition angle and the angle of Dwell. And what effect would arise if the dwell angle is not in accordance with the recommendation of the plant. Let us discuss one by one on the ignition angle and dwell angle.
Ignition angle is the angle required for one-time ignition on one cylinder motorcycle. Where in detail can be described as a turning angle nok / cam when platinum is open until opened again at the bulge nok / cam on the next cylinder.
Dwell angle is the length of platinum in the closed state. By enlarging the gap platinum, dwell angle becomes small. Vice versa, if the gap is reduced platinum will result in dwell angle be great.
Dwell angle should be set as recommended by the manufacturer of the motor, because if the dwell angle is too large can result in sparks could be too late, the engine turns into a rough, not optimal function of the condenser, etc.. While the dwell angle is too small may result in a small spark, the engine gets hot, and not optimal motor power.

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