Keeping CVT Motor Matic Not a squeak

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In motors automatic transmission, CVT is important because it works as a successor to the power of the engine to the wheels. Hence, do not underestimate it. Many of them think lightly on the CVT. As a result, the movement of the belt on the motor matiknya unpleasant tastes or feels sluggish and resulted in screeching sound.
There are several easy ways to care for the CVT automatic motorcycle, including:
1 Make a check V-belt
You do this by opening the CVT cover bolts, loose air hose with a screwdriver plus (men), open the crankshaft nut to remove the term mechanical belt drive or belt drive. Once everything apart, then check all the parts in it. First check the width of the belt, try to not less than 20mm, check the belt is cracked or not. If it is less than 20mm wide belt meant to be replaced. Then when it cracked also be replaced because the belt will not be working normally.
2 Check Roller.
Make sure the roller under normal circumstances is not damaged or uneven surface. Because if a surface is damaged or uneven your motor will run smoother halting manner. After that, make sure you check the roller thickness of not less than 17.5 mm. If it had to be replaced must first set. Because if it's not a roller performance will not be evenly distributed.
3 Oil girbox and V-belt
Keep a distance of 8,000 miles every oil change girbok you and it is recommended to replace the V-belt if it reaches 24,000 miles.
4. air filter on CVT
This section should be cleaned frequently, at least every 3 months or if you clean the periodic servicing.
Well most importantly, when the rainy season like now, try not to pass through a puddle of water in excess of the CVT. Because, if the incoming water will settle in the belt or rollers. Later it will be broken component ter-pared. It is usually true. CVT homes take in water coupled with the presence of dust. If this situation had fatal motorcycle then you will often issue a squeaking sound.
It's good every perform periodic servicing, you ask the mechanic to check the CVT her. Maintenance or routine checks can minimize the occurrence of damage to the CVT, especially the screeching sound.

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