Know the Features F Trip Speedometer New Yamaha V-Ixion

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indicator F TRIP
There is one interesting feature in the New Yamaha V-Ixion. Unfortunately the feature known as "F trip" is many do not know. Apparently, this is a reminder feature the amount of fuel remaining in the tank. When gasoline already in critical condition, the letter "F" appears instead of this odometer or trip meter to display digital indicator. When the 1.9-liter petrol live, then his letter F appears.
Then, figure odometer was turned back to the numbers 0 As the motor runs, the numbers add up appropriate distance. Can know with 1.9 liter petrol living, has been running as far as what. So can roughly.
If the fuel consumption test results were never made ​​mention of the New V-Ixion is able to cover a distance of 38 kilometers with one liter of gasoline. Approximately 1.9 liters of still can travel 72.2 kilometers.

Blog, Updated at: 7:33 PM
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