Piston Cooling System Jupiter-Z

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The demands of work machines to produce maximum motor performance requires a cooling system optimal kitchen runway. The problem is, without the support of the optimal cooling can make the engine overheating. Conventional systems such as air circulation, water or liquid-cooled, oil-cooled and is considered no longer adequate. Therefore, it is necessary breakthrough for more optimal engine cooling. This has been realized by the motor manufacturer.
Innovation is done by combining air circulation and water-cooled 4-stroke engine which maximizes cooling kitchen runway. Function as a lubricant cooling system combined airflow of the leg shield (wing motors) when the motor is running.

Furthermore, the cooling system was developed according to the demands of work machine. One of them, the application piston cooler Yamaha Jupiter Z piston cooling technology which adopts the style of the Yamaha YZF-R1. Where, piston cooling injection works by spraying oil into the piston so that the temperature remains ideal.
Work using the injection nozzle is aligned with the crankshaft to spout lubricant to the piston. Sprays performed simultaneously when the oil pump piston compression and decompression perform steps.
In order for the injection nozzle ejects a strong oil pressure to the piston, modified oil pump manufacturer Yamaha Jupiter Z with changing gears and pumps greater width. The system is perfect piston cooler wind aided makes the temperature dropped to 20 percent.
Friction of the piston in the cylinder liner smoother, more refined engine sound. As a result, impacts to the crankshaft bearings, connecting rods and piston pins are more durable. Risk piston jammed or scratched cylinder wall liner can be minimized.
Although quite sophisticated, must be considered a risk nozzle clogged dirt. However, this possibility is small, due to the strong pressure of the pump. Importantly, often clean the oil filter, oil change and do not be late to use lubricants as recommended by the manufacturer.

Blog, Updated at: 8:06 PM
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