1 Turn the Pilot Screw (suits idling) clockwise to increase engine RPM to about 3000RPM.
2 Turn the Air Screw (Tshirt Wind) to right (clockwise) to get stuck, in this condition the engine seemed to want to die (RPM to be low)
The difficulties:
When the water screw when turning the engine off and then tiba2, then turn the pilot screw slightly to right / lg view these RPMs and then turn on the bike and continue step 3
If the motor RPM hard stable / not stable / limping try analyzed on:
Less high RPM (1300RPM minimum limit) if it is below it's not good for the durability of the engine (article about the effects when the engine RPM is too low following)
Oil seal that was in the water screw, may be damaged or no seals oil seal if it is damaged / missing, and instead use the oil seal in accordance with the size, or can be tricked by using a rubber seal that comes from the rubber lighters, how to solve looking for a match and the size of rubber seal with oil seal and the water screw was replaced. seal oil is influential because it serves to prevent air leakage from the drains screw heading out.