Settings (skur / skir) Valve

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In doing skur / skir valve, often sticking when mechanical compression leak. Once the compression drop, directly skir valve, leaking again skir again. Though there is a maximum limit in doing so, should not be too often. Because settings valve or valve seat in the cylinder head has a limit wear.
Understand the terminology of the valve seating, can be seen in the picture (fig. 1). Standard motors are usually adhered angle of 35 °, 45 ° and 60 °. The angle of 45 ° is the point of contact between the valve with the valve

Skur valve, is a process to loosen or tighten the valve to the position which has an angle of 45 ° earlier. Well, usually the less noticed by the mechanical limitations of the wide angle is 45 ° to the cylinder head (fig. 2). Maximum width of the valve seat should not be more than an angle of 45 ° (fig. 3). Ideally between 0.8 - 1.2 mm, depending on the diameter of the valve is used.
If it is too wide or exceed the same boundary, even so the impact is prone to leaking. So the effect will affect the compression engine. If so, you should immediately re-condition the valve back
settings. Or it could be done by yourself if those who are experts and have the cutter valve (the valve seating tool reconditioning). But remember, do not forget to return the angle of 35 ° and 60 °!
Keep in mind also, the valve settings are often reconditioned or disekur, can sometimes make the valve seat down or collapsed into (fig. 4). However, if the conditions are like that, do not rush to replace the cylinder header! Because it can change its settings. In fact, with a diverse choice of materials.
In doing seating valve replacement, there are tricks that can be done to make a more sturdy seating. Besides given special glue, preferably gap / clearance between a new seating set with 0.03 mm cylinder head. This method has been shown to be more resistant to heat and are not easily dislodged.

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