Tips to Extend Use of CDI Age

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Can be summed up as one of the important parts for engine operation, CDI (Capacitor Discharge Ignition) is a process controller unit for electric ignition engine. One unit is equipped with a series capacitor, diode and SCR (Silicon Controlled Switch). With the support of an ignition timing sensor unit in the form of a pick-up or pulser coil mounted near the magnet, the sensor automatically sent to the CDI without having to make the setup process.
In practice, improper handling will lead to a fatal CDI, CDI will mean short-lived. So many things that must be taken to ensure that these electronic devices will be durable wear. CDI should be noted that long-lived, among others:

In the market there are two types of CDI, the AC and DC. Never miscast. Be careful in the election and must not grimy. Because both have different character. So is the pick-up coil, do not be mistaken to regard the signal as well as the length of the sensor bulge.
Origin should not attach, position placement of CDI should be considered carefully. There are two important issues, namely avoiding the first installation in the area near the machine. When the engine is operating, the area certainly will spread the heat engine. If subjected to continuous heat, electrical circuit in the CDI will be easily distracted. The second point, move the CDI from areas susceptible to water. As we know, either in the form of liquid water or moisture is a device alias conductor electrically conductive. If the CDI circuit wiring submerged in water, of course, between the cable will easily connect so risky surge. So it would be wise to keep the CDI wiring connector is protected by a rubber septum. Besides being able to keep the wires from the liquid, it will certainly keep the cables from dirt that might disturb the connectivity of the circuit wiring CDI.
Each CDI will be equipped with several input and output paths are different whether it has 4 or 5 feet. To be considered, each leg of the existing track. Incorrect installation can lead to fatal namely the occurrence of surge. Therefore Observe the installation path legs to avoid surge. Therefore each unit is equipped with a socket CDI CDI connection cable that would prevent installation of the wrong path.
MAXIMIZATION connectivity
One of the reasons that often impairs the connectivity which CDI is not perfect. This could make the current CDI will be easy to connect but also easily disconnected. This is mostly caused by the cable connectors (Terminals) are loose. So, you should always do checks Terminals density CDI hooked poles. When perlum replace Terminals Terminals with the quality.
Racing Look modif trend is grounded, one should perform obligatory requirement rehearsal. What often happens, to simplify the installation of electrical wiring, then replace many electrical installation cable with small diameter wires as well as cables for CDI. This obviously is not recommended because of the smaller cross-sectional diameter of the cable, it will decrease the flow that goes to the CDI due to greater flow barriers. In addition to the cable temperature is hot, CDI is also easily damaged by surge.

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