Tips for Scooter Matic to Fast and Efficient

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Automatic motor current is loved by the community. The streets were jammed making the switch from motorcycle rider manual transmission, such as motorcycle and sport, to the automatic transmission.
Unfortunately the automatic machine still reap a number of drawbacks, such as inefficient use of fuel and energy is not large enough, so difficult to run fast.
Well, with a number of engineering, it can be fast and automatic motor fuel efficient. The following tips:

First, clean kaburator regular basis,

Least once a month. Adjust carburetor fuel supply to the combustion chamber, so it needs to be clean. When a dirty carburetor will make fuel supply hiccup.
Second, the engine oil change periodically with mileage less than 3,000 miles.
By changing the oil, rubbing components do not wear out quickly which can reduce the speed. Oil changes will also make the engine performance remains nice and smooth.
Third, use a fuel with a high octane, as Pertamax, Shell Super.
With a high octane, fast fuel explode and burn completely. In addition, there are also a lot of high octane cause the crust on the machine.
So that more efficient fuel consumption, turn the gas as needed and reduce braking.
Once your automatic motor more efficient, will definitely want to feel how your way of the run? Here are tips to make automatic motor can run fast.
First replace the rollers on the inside of a Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT),
because by replacing roller will pull more powerful performance. Replace with a standard roller, roller example used 11 grams, then you change to 10 grams.
This roller is useful to put pressure out on the variator, variator so it is possible to open and provide a greater change in the diameter of the circumference of the belt drive so that the motor can move.
Second, clean the spark plug,
with the ignition so the sector will be more perfect, so that the combustion in the engine room for the better because of the quality of the spark plugs increase.
Third, replace fanbelt with a thicker gauge and hard,
it can make the pull more responsive.
Fourth, replace the coil,
this in order to provide maximum spark at the ignition.
Fifth, replace the CDI.
Although the CDI standard factory default is good, it's good to be replaced with another brand more to boost performance.
Sixth, reduce excessive weight, avoid excessive use of accessories that can add to the load when the motor is running. Instead, use a lighter variation such as aluminum alloy wheels.

Blog, Updated at: 8:18 AM
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