Utilizing Aluminum Foil For Exhaust Gaskets That Leak

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Vehicle exhaust leak, the rider can make up blood. In addition to the motor power is reduced and fuel consumption is more wasteful, riders also made ​​dizzy by a burst of sound that comes out of the exhaust pipe.
If you experience this problem, check the exhaust neck connected to the cylinder block. Usually this part is often leak due to an improper installation or loose bolts. However, if the bolt tight, check the exhaust gasket. If it is damaged or there penyokan, immediately wrote replaced.
Well, if you have a good gasket and bolt securely fastened but still there is a leak in the exhaust area of ​​the neck, head and neck can be the size of the exhaust that goes into the cylinder head does not fit. That is, smaller. So there is little cavity to release the rest of the exhaust gas.
wrapping aluminum foil
Create a small cap between remaining in the exhaust neck, can memanfaatkanaluminium foil wrapped around the neck exhaust. This material is heat resistant and non-flammable. This method is considered quite powerful expel exhaust leak in the neck area. If hard to find aluminum foil, buddy can also use the usual aluminum foil wrapped cigarette. It was also as effective as aluminum foil.
cigarette paper
If there is a piece of aluminum foil that clog the exhaust vent, not to worry. The origin of the model free flow exhaust or racing. Because the rest of it usually will come off and discarded simultaneously blowing combustion. But, for the life of the standard exhaust, better made ​​neat coil. Because fear clog a little grating in the exhaust.

Blog, Updated at: 5:45 PM
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