Velocity - Speed ​​Gas

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Racing Design
This is the formula that we use as a basis for setting development engine 4 stroke motor racing. Alignment within spec modifications election will determine the character of the engine power and potential that is capable of being born. With this specification of the motor is able to issue a power in the upper RPM. But the modifications do not stop until here, because the 4 stroke engine has many components and variables that can be scraped deeper to be developed.

The basic principle is the internal combustion engine compression, fuel, and ignition is good then the engine can work well. Well, racing is a challenge in how to optimize the performance of the engine in generating compression, the presence of an appropriate fuel and fuel flow path of air able to work with a dynamic, and the certainty of ignition ignition timing right, it can certainly afford more optimized power .
Important calculation when we do change the channel or ported is the air speed is often termed the velocities, it is a matter of decisive Speed ​​Gas mixture homogeneity Air - Fuel ported tract. As well as a good ported design course must meet certain requirements so that the air flow will move turning the channel ported.
Formula Velocity Porting

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