Vertical Gas Piston Port on

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Piston with vertical gas ports
Previously we have learned a lot about the pistons technologies, including forged pistons with technology, Teflon, offside, and hi dome. Surely we have many know the advantages of each of these technologies because they are often discussed in the media automotive homeland. However, there are still a lot of technologies out there that we do not know about the technology of the piston. Maybe because we are too focused struggling with pistons the motor vehicle alone, so remember to explore the knowledge of other technologies around the piston.
Piston technology that will review this time coming from the piston 4-wheel vehicle is a car to be exact. This piston is unique and is logically very beneficial to keep the engine performance to remain stable. Generally much in use in endurance sport utility vehicles such as the NASCAR car race in the USA. But not infrequently also found on other public vehicles.
How come there are the holes? What scared ga compression leak? That he kelebihanya! The small holes serve to transfer the pressure to the rear compression ring and liner wall to ring urgently or boring so as to minimize leakage of compression on the gap between the piston ring and liner.
Differences gas port
Examples of the image to the left is an example of the use of Radial Piston Gas Port. The way it works with a small hole through intermediaries such as in general we find the piston motor vehicles, where the compression is a bit difficult to reach the back of the piston ring as in the example shown below
Radial Gas port
But if you use Vertical gas ports, compression pressure can directly go to the back of the piston ring and press it on boring wall. It can maximize the performance of both the piston rings are new or already thirsty with age. Because performance occurs automatically whenever there is a compression only, if you use premium gasoline containing lead will feel futile because the rest of the crust will cover the holes of the gas port. So suggest its use to use unleaded gasoline

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